Welcome to my corner

Life is Good- Simple as That!
Since it had been quite a while since I have posted on this blog I figured I would change things up seeing how that is all I have done this past year is see changes in my body & my life. I hope to be a little more punctual at posting and checking back her, feel free to leave me comments! You know how fun it is to get mail- :-) Anyway, I hope you enjoy what you see & read.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

Whether you are an old acquaintance or a new one, I am glad to have you along on my journey.  I wish you health and happiness in the coming year. I know my health in on the down slide for now, but I anxiously await the day when my health is back, I am strong and am able to get through the days without napping. Be well my friends and know that my prayers are with you always.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Just Another Hangup...

When I went in for chemo on Monday, the nurse could not access my port without sending a shot of pain up over my shoulder. Today I went in for a port study and found that I have a leaky port, which means that I will have to have another surgery to repair/replace it. I don't know more than that for now but will keep you posted- I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of 2010- When it ends so will our school break so live it up girls! lol

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Here I Go Again

Back to chemo tomorrow- so I guess that means another week or so of exhaustion. Who knows tho', maybe I can beat it this week- I haven't had the rush of trying to get things done or work for over a week now so maybe, just maybe I can take the bull by the horns and stay in control this time. It's only the 2nd session and hopefully I will find out a number that I am working towards. I think a countdown would, must be helpful.

I am now losing my hair so the next time any of you see me I will no doubt be wearing a wig or have a hat on. I lasted 16 days before it started coming out. Didn't like that shower at all- today was a little better, I just am not ready to have Chris shave my head yet- maybe tomrrow.  I don't know, I just don't like the thought of shaving it ALL off. I like my hair, but Chris just reminds me that I am one step closer to being over this damn thing. We knew it was going to happen so I don't need to dwell on it.

Allison got a really great looking hat for Christmas from a dear friend of ours; I just might need to borrow it from her, it looks awfully warm.  :-).

Well, I guess that does it for tonight. I hope everyone hs had a restful weekend along with a joyous Christmas. Enjoy your week!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas World

It has been a very pleasant Christmas Eve. A very relaxing day, just daudled around the house some, wrapped a few more presents & messed with a new printer that won't print my pictures-(argh! there goes my relaxed feeling again).  We wemt to Mass tonight but as I was getting ready, I touched my head and saw a few hairs on the sink. I rubbed my head and quite a few more took flight- I knew it was coming but I guess, somewhere in the back of my mind, I wa hoping, just a little, that I wouldn't loose it yet, this early anyway. Oh well, time to look on the bright side of it and get myself to look forward to my wig and having a full head of hair on top for a change!- with no bald spot! lol. So, I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hello World!

I feel absolutely wonderful today! This past week hasn't been what I had expected, I think, but then again, I don't know what I expected either- I just know I as exhasted and finally gave in on Thursday and stayed home to rest. I worked Friday, but no kiddos, just the big kids! We had our annual auction and Maria, our secretary, was more wild han ususal- isn't amazing what a little cold medicine can do to a person? I am sure that there was no stress involved for her either- just her in-laws 550th wedding anniversary party today, and she was giving it-  Anyway, I was tired even after that.  When I got home and got the phone call that my bloood count levels were low so I need to stay away form the public I figured that ust be the reason! So, I am house arrest for a few days to keep out of the public germs.

I am really looking forward to this next week since chemo will be put off til the 27th- I expect to feel as good as I do now if not better, come on blood cell count- keep rising; I have baking to do and candies to make not to mention cards and other fun projects to work on as well.
I wish you all a wonderful week full of wellness, cheer, and time to spend with loved ones.

Happy Christmas to all and to all a good day!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Special People

We are in Lexington, at the KY State Special Olympics Bowling Tourney, with about 2-4- inches of snow; you know how I LOVE that white stuff! UGH, but I will admit it's pretty and I am glad Chris is driving...  Anyway, I want to take a moment to thank some very special people for making this fabulous weekend possible. I know that many other people are here and out there helping as well, but a special thanks is in for Laura, Chuck & Abby! I can't imagine how or where you find the energy to do this for us and our children. Thanks a million guys.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hump Day

Okay- It's hump day and I am glad I am beyond the hump nd on the down side. Our Christmas program for the kiddos is tomorrow night and I am wishing it had been tonight and over with by now. I now they will have a ball but with kids on the risers on stage I tend to get a bit nervous...I know it will all be fine and fun for all. Happy Hump day everyone!