Welcome to my corner

Life is Good- Simple as That!
Since it had been quite a while since I have posted on this blog I figured I would change things up seeing how that is all I have done this past year is see changes in my body & my life. I hope to be a little more punctual at posting and checking back her, feel free to leave me comments! You know how fun it is to get mail- :-) Anyway, I hope you enjoy what you see & read.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Auld Lang Syne

Whether you are an old acquaintance or a new one, I am glad to have you along on my journey.  I wish you health and happiness in the coming year. I know my health in on the down slide for now, but I anxiously await the day when my health is back, I am strong and am able to get through the days without napping. Be well my friends and know that my prayers are with you always.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, Sis! I hope that once you get thru this stressful time you will be well in mind, body, and spirit. I LOVE YOU!
