I know that I have had many blessings this past year but I am soooo ready to end this year and get onto the next! Hello 2012! I hope that all of you have a year filled with blessings. I know it is often difficult to see the greatness of things through the bad, but everything happens for a reason and I know in my heart that 2012 will be a better year for me and those I love. Happy New Year!
Welcome to my corner
Life is Good- Simple as That!
Since it had been quite a while since I have posted on this blog I figured I would change things up seeing how that is all I have done this past year is see changes in my body & my life. I hope to be a little more punctual at posting and checking back her, feel free to leave me comments! You know how fun it is to get mail- :-) Anyway, I hope you enjoy what you see & read.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Where in the World???
I know that I have posted since the fairie blog so I really don't know what to say & don't even have a guess as to where anything went! Out to cyber space somewhere...
Oh well, now I guess I just have to let you know that life is good for me these days mostly anyway.
I have a job that I love, most of the time anyway,I have a family that I wouldn't trade for the world or even a beach somewhere! lol I work with teh greatest bunch of coworkers that a person could ever home for, and I really wish I knew where my past blogs went, I DO! The past was one about my sisters for those of you who are kind of keeping up- which isn't very hard to do apparently since this last blog was MONTHS ago-.
Well, I am off to get some work done for work, even tho' it's now 7:15 and Sunday night, no rest for the weary- Have a great week & maybe this will be here next week when I come back to update once I get through this dreaded week!
Oh well, now I guess I just have to let you know that life is good for me these days mostly anyway.
I have a job that I love, most of the time anyway,I have a family that I wouldn't trade for the world or even a beach somewhere! lol I work with teh greatest bunch of coworkers that a person could ever home for, and I really wish I knew where my past blogs went, I DO! The past was one about my sisters for those of you who are kind of keeping up- which isn't very hard to do apparently since this last blog was MONTHS ago-.
Well, I am off to get some work done for work, even tho' it's now 7:15 and Sunday night, no rest for the weary- Have a great week & maybe this will be here next week when I come back to update once I get through this dreaded week!
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Here is a link to a new blog that I have found inspirational!
Check it out, you may decide to be a follower too- and if you follow before 11/3 you will be in the drawing for some digital candy!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
For the LOVE of Kim
I am told that I am now a 1 year survivor from breast cancer... I guess so, tho' I don't know that that word fits, for me anyway. I did indeed fight the beast and I won, simple as that! I had others before me battle it too, some won and some didn't. My sister Kim, the Middle Sister was one who fought with her heart and soul for 2 1/2 years but the beast claimed that battle. My cousin Maureen also fought and lost too, just last year. My friend Dawn also fought but she is one that won her battle as well and is now a 2 1/2 year survivor! Way to go girl!
I learned life lessons from these three women that helped me in my fight with cancer. I am told that I have amazed some people. Others have said that I was too tough to not beat it while others still tell me how inspired they feel because of the attitude and strength I showed. When I was first diagnosed with cancer it was very hard for me to believe that God would do this to my mom again; then one day I discovered that it was merely a wake up call to me, no actually to both my husband and me. We both have a need to have control of things, not so much each other's lives, but just life in general. Having a daughter with Down syndrome, I really am in control of most of the decisions in her life and I guess this sort of bleeds into all facets of my life. Anyway, this wake up call was a reminder to me of WHO is really in charge of everything; and so, God didn't do this to my mom, but just wanted to make sure I realized that I don't walk alone or lead, and that He is there with me every step of the way.
I guess I have inspired others but the most important one that I had hoped to inspire is my oldest sister, Jeni, and she showed me that I did just that the other day. You see, she was angry that I got cancer instead of her, she had been waiting for it. I let her know that it had to be this way though because I had to show her how to get through it, and now the fear of the beast isn't as great as it once was.
She thinks that I am her hero but in reality, it has always been the other way around. I could never have done it without the help of having two older sisters to show me the way... Love you sisters-
I learned life lessons from these three women that helped me in my fight with cancer. I am told that I have amazed some people. Others have said that I was too tough to not beat it while others still tell me how inspired they feel because of the attitude and strength I showed. When I was first diagnosed with cancer it was very hard for me to believe that God would do this to my mom again; then one day I discovered that it was merely a wake up call to me, no actually to both my husband and me. We both have a need to have control of things, not so much each other's lives, but just life in general. Having a daughter with Down syndrome, I really am in control of most of the decisions in her life and I guess this sort of bleeds into all facets of my life. Anyway, this wake up call was a reminder to me of WHO is really in charge of everything; and so, God didn't do this to my mom, but just wanted to make sure I realized that I don't walk alone or lead, and that He is there with me every step of the way.
I guess I have inspired others but the most important one that I had hoped to inspire is my oldest sister, Jeni, and she showed me that I did just that the other day. You see, she was angry that I got cancer instead of her, she had been waiting for it. I let her know that it had to be this way though because I had to show her how to get through it, and now the fear of the beast isn't as great as it once was.
She thinks that I am her hero but in reality, it has always been the other way around. I could never have done it without the help of having two older sisters to show me the way... Love you sisters-
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Curiouser & Curiouser
I thought I would show you some cards that I made recently using Halloween in Wonderland papers by Graphics 45- I had a blast making them and finished them within a few days, thanks to a challenge that was posted. I decided that I needed to do something productive so I made 7 cards, but now doubt that I can give them away... I have always loved Alice, what would you expect? Anyway, hope you like them and might even feel a little inspiration? :-0
As far as my life and health are concerned, Life is Good, Simple as That! That is on my new T-shirt. Just seemed to fit- I am finished at the doc for another 5 weeks and I don't mind saying, I will not miss that weekly 2+ hour drive- one way! Now I just wait and stretch.
Be well my friends and stay safe, it's rough out there sometimes- love you
As far as my life and health are concerned, Life is Good, Simple as That! That is on my new T-shirt. Just seemed to fit- I am finished at the doc for another 5 weeks and I don't mind saying, I will not miss that weekly 2+ hour drive- one way! Now I just wait and stretch.
Be well my friends and stay safe, it's rough out there sometimes- love you
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Here is a Giveaway for the Fairies
themagiconions at The Magic Onions - Is offering a Giveaway by way of her second shop, Dovie Moon. Dovie Moon is her shop of fine art photographs and vintage treasures. Go to The Magic Onion first and the link there is for Giveaway for the Fairies. Check out the beautiful photographs, just stunning.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Sun Must Be Shining Again
Wow, Have I been out of it for too long! I just didn't have it in me to write about anything or even to anyone. Not that I was feeling bad or anything, just blank mind, I guess it was just too hard to think there for a while! Anyway, I have been feeling quite perky lately and have been scrappin' & I have also found inspiration for a couple of other fun projects; here are a couple of pics:
matchbox of fun memories |
Artist Trading Card |
I got a matchbox like this from my dear sister and decided to make a few as gifts for a couple of friends. The ATC is the first of a series that will sort of document my cancer journey. Speaking of which; I had surgery last Monday to remove the high risk of breast cancer returning. Yep, I did, also had some reconstruction surgery done at the same time. I am still sore, but feeling better daily. I go for a checkup on Tuesday to make sure that the proper healing is happening.
My niece and her 2 daughters were here for a visit, a fabulous one I might add- and what was even better was that my niece and I got to get away and scrap at my new fav store in Dover, TN for a day! We were in heaven! I did 2 12x12 pages & 10 6x6 pages to get a gift started for a friend. I wish we could get together and play more often! We had a wonderful visit, even got to take the boat out for a spin around KY lake!
Well. I guess I don't have to make up for time lost, catch you on the next go 'round.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Give-a-way from lifestyle crafts! sign up to win!
The Spring Gift Set and National Scrapbook Day Giveaway Week!
May 2, 2011 9:01:05 AM MDT
This week is a big one over here at Lifestyle Crafts! First of all, we're very happy to introduce the Spring Gift Set for 2011. It is a limited edition scrapbook including an 8" x 8" chipboard album, 11 cutting dies, mini alphabet, and 24 double-sided 8" x 8" sheets of patterned paper. This album can be used for many different things and we'll be showing you some examples throughout the week. You can purchase your kit here or at your local scrapbook store.

What you get:
Example Pages. All of these pages are done by design team member Melissa Giles. Aren't the patterns and shapes beautiful paired with the amazing photography?

Next item of business... this week is GIVEAWAY WEEK!
In honor of National Scrapbook Day, we're giving away something every day here on the blog. Today we're giving away one of the brand new Wildflower Spring Gift Sets! That's a $59.99 value. To enter the giveaways each day, you must leave a comment on the giveaway post of the day. For additional entries,
1) Become a fan of Lifestyle Crafts on Facebook HERE.
2) Blog, tweet, or update your status about this giveaway and leave an additional comment telling us you did so.
*The winners of all 5 days of giveaways will be announced on Monday, May 9. Good luck to all!

What you get:

Example Pages. All of these pages are done by design team member Melissa Giles. Aren't the patterns and shapes beautiful paired with the amazing photography?

Next item of business... this week is GIVEAWAY WEEK!

In honor of National Scrapbook Day, we're giving away something every day here on the blog. Today we're giving away one of the brand new Wildflower Spring Gift Sets! That's a $59.99 value. To enter the giveaways each day, you must leave a comment on the giveaway post of the day. For additional entries,
1) Become a fan of Lifestyle Crafts on Facebook HERE.
2) Blog, tweet, or update your status about this giveaway and leave an additional comment telling us you did so.
*The winners of all 5 days of giveaways will be announced on Monday, May 9. Good luck to all!
Friday, April 8, 2011
The End!!!!
Well, I finished up my chemo last Monday and now the wait for radiation to begin. I have a consult appt. set for Wednesday but it will still be a couple of weeks after that before I start that trek-. I still find it hard to believe that I have finished with the chemo and that I managed to feel okay through most of it. The fatigue was bad but when the bronchitis set in, well, that cough was the worse that I endured through it. The cough has returned but hopefully for the last time now. Back to breathing treatments and another round of azithromycin should do it for me!
We have been on Spring break this past week and have really enjoyed ourselves. After spending a couple of days with Chris (while he works out of town) Allison and I spent the days together just doing stuff around the house. It really felt good to be home and do what we wanted when we wanted-
I even managed to get some cleaning done! I am hoping that tomorrow after Special Olympic practice that we can get home and work in our garden to get the soil ready for planting! Can't wait to taste that first tomato of the summer!
We have been on Spring break this past week and have really enjoyed ourselves. After spending a couple of days with Chris (while he works out of town) Allison and I spent the days together just doing stuff around the house. It really felt good to be home and do what we wanted when we wanted-
I even managed to get some cleaning done! I am hoping that tomorrow after Special Olympic practice that we can get home and work in our garden to get the soil ready for planting! Can't wait to taste that first tomato of the summer!
Monday, March 28, 2011
This is a site I frequent- There are challenges, games and coming really soon! A BIRTHDAY BASH including a BINGO game. Check it out, you just might find some fun there too.

...and here is a link to this fun site! BINGO!
Monday, February 28, 2011
2 more to go!
As usual when I got to the cancer center for my chemo today they took some blood to see if my cell count was up- I should say so! 10,000 is good, last week I was down to 1900. Today my count was at 13,000! WooHoo! I received my chemo today and only have 2 more to go; then it's on to radiation for 6-8 weeks. I do get a brief respite tho', for a couple of weeks before the radiation starts. I am still fighting like a girl and feel as tho' I am ahead of the game, let's hope so!
Today I am adding a bit to my blog for a friend. She had a new baby in January and seems to be feeling a bit blue these days. you may remember, not doing all she should for two children- we all know better if we are mamas. Her story reminded me tho' of my sister and her little T-bone who would get rather cranky every afternoon before his daddy got home. Cry for hours, or so it seemed. Whether it just stopped when he did arrive or he had to hold him to quiet him, it helped peace be restored to the household. Well, it seems that my friend has this same situation going on., and as I read her story, I remembered my wonderful mother cross-stitching a beautiful poem for my dear sis. Maybe just to ease her mind maybe just out of the love she so willing gave and still does to her girls, no actually to everyone she meets. Ok, I am rambling a bit- anyway here is the poem; I hope it helps others in this "new mom " stage of their lives.
This one is as old as the hills (and me)! It is the last refrain from "Song for a 5th Child" by Ruth Hamilton.
So, my dear friends with new babies, love them and rock them and let those dust-bunnies sleep and tell those cobwebs to quiet down as well, you to your loved ones have songs to sing and stories to tell. sweet dreams everyone, love ya, Kathy
Today I am adding a bit to my blog for a friend. She had a new baby in January and seems to be feeling a bit blue these days. you may remember, not doing all she should for two children- we all know better if we are mamas. Her story reminded me tho' of my sister and her little T-bone who would get rather cranky every afternoon before his daddy got home. Cry for hours, or so it seemed. Whether it just stopped when he did arrive or he had to hold him to quiet him, it helped peace be restored to the household. Well, it seems that my friend has this same situation going on., and as I read her story, I remembered my wonderful mother cross-stitching a beautiful poem for my dear sis. Maybe just to ease her mind maybe just out of the love she so willing gave and still does to her girls, no actually to everyone she meets. Ok, I am rambling a bit- anyway here is the poem; I hope it helps others in this "new mom " stage of their lives.
This one is as old as the hills (and me)! It is the last refrain from "Song for a 5th Child" by Ruth Hamilton.
"Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth, Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing and butter the bread,
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
But I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(Lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
So, my dear friends with new babies, love them and rock them and let those dust-bunnies sleep and tell those cobwebs to quiet down as well, you to your loved ones have songs to sing and stories to tell. sweet dreams everyone, love ya, Kathy
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Well, no chemo today, again not for snow this time tho'
- my blood count was way low. So now I get to have a shot each day for 3 days that will make my bones hurt, but is supposed to boost those cells up, THEN I can go back to work on Thursday and all the other things I enjoy, but for now I am on house arrest for the next two days :(
No reason I can't pay some much needed to a few things around here tho! I believe that I will work on my journal that I am creating for this cancer- it's also a book safe to keep the cards and trinkets that I have received from family & friends. I will post a few pics after I get some more work done on it.
Taxes need attention too- guess there is no better time than now to get everything collected and get that fun job taken care of and maybe, just maybe I can find time to scrap a page or two.
Sooo, bottom line is that outside of this rotten bronchitus that I haven't been able to shake thusfar, I do feel good and am glad to say that I am still kickin' cancer's ass!
No reason I can't pay some much needed to a few things around here tho! I believe that I will work on my journal that I am creating for this cancer- it's also a book safe to keep the cards and trinkets that I have received from family & friends. I will post a few pics after I get some more work done on it.
Taxes need attention too- guess there is no better time than now to get everything collected and get that fun job taken care of and maybe, just maybe I can find time to scrap a page or two.
Sooo, bottom line is that outside of this rotten bronchitus that I haven't been able to shake thusfar, I do feel good and am glad to say that I am still kickin' cancer's ass!
Monday, February 14, 2011
3rd time was a charm!
Well, I finally got my chemo last Friday after attempting Monday & Wednesday with no help from the weather for success at either day. Monday I didn't even make it home from work- I ended up staying at a friend's house in town! I am soooooo sick of snow! I even drove up to Paducah on Wednesday and it came so fast and heavy that I didn't dare stay; as it turned out, I made the right decision! I made it almost home before ever even sliding or slipping but I did manage to get the truck stuck and had to walk the last road home. ugh!
I began the next regimen of my chemo last Friday, I am now receiving Taxotere. I am told that the fatigue could be worse so not to be surprised at it. So far so good! I went back to school today- thanks to a week of snow days that will be made up! and still feel fairly human, but for this rotten congestion and cough that I have been fighting for a week now.
This first picture was taken when I left home Wednesday morning, the next about 3 hours later while I was driving home- keep in mind now that we don't get this kind of snow around here. Did I mention how I really do not like this nasty white stuff!
Wish me some luck and say a prayer that this chemo doesn't knock me on my butt! Talk at you again soon-love ya, Kathy
I began the next regimen of my chemo last Friday, I am now receiving Taxotere. I am told that the fatigue could be worse so not to be surprised at it. So far so good! I went back to school today- thanks to a week of snow days that will be made up! and still feel fairly human, but for this rotten congestion and cough that I have been fighting for a week now.
This first picture was taken when I left home Wednesday morning, the next about 3 hours later while I was driving home- keep in mind now that we don't get this kind of snow around here. Did I mention how I really do not like this nasty white stuff!
Wish me some luck and say a prayer that this chemo doesn't knock me on my butt! Talk at you again soon-love ya, Kathy
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I like it HOT!!!
Well, my dear friends, not that life is bad, but it certainly has been better! I missed chemo on Monday- thank yo snow, again. I rescheduled for today, got up there and by the time I got to the cancer center the SNOW was coming down so fast & the roads were already covered and getting slick. I decided it was definitely i my best interest to forgo the treatment, reschedule AGAIN for Friday this time an see where we get this time.
As if that wasn't enough, Monday, by the time our little friends got on buses or into their cars, the road was already enough that I didn't want to try driving home so I stayed at a friends house. Tonight Chris will be staying in Clarksville for the same reason. He had an all day training down there and decided he was better off to stay there-
And people wonder why I HATE SNOW! I have yet to have a good experience with the blasted white stuff! oh yea, side note, it only took me 2+ hours to get home from Paducah- yup, I'm lovin' it!
TTFN, hope your day and week is going nicer than mine has- love ya, Kathy
As if that wasn't enough, Monday, by the time our little friends got on buses or into their cars, the road was already enough that I didn't want to try driving home so I stayed at a friends house. Tonight Chris will be staying in Clarksville for the same reason. He had an all day training down there and decided he was better off to stay there-
And people wonder why I HATE SNOW! I have yet to have a good experience with the blasted white stuff! oh yea, side note, it only took me 2+ hours to get home from Paducah- yup, I'm lovin' it!
TTFN, hope your day and week is going nicer than mine has- love ya, Kathy
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Life is Good
This has become my new way of answering when I am asked how I am doing- I really can't explain it but that is just how I feel about things. When I think of how this whole journey of my cancer treatment could be and how easy I have it compared to most everyone else, well, my life really is good. It's all relative I guess. Sure I have to go through chemo every other week and bloodwork in between that. I get more tired than I used to and don't do quite all of the things I used to, or more like want to but all in all, Life is Good! I have prayers being said for my well being across the country and support from everyone around me and talk about feelin' the love! well, I certainly do- YOU are why my Life is Good-It's nice to be so well loved. Thank you everyone.
Now, if I could only figure out how to get summer here ...FAST!
Now, if I could only figure out how to get summer here ...FAST!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Half way there!
Well, I had chemo on Monday, since the snow we got Thursday night caused me to reschedule last Friday- and found out that I am half-way finished with my chemo!!! YAY! I will start a different regimen when I go back in another two weeks which actually has even less of a chance of making me sick- I am so relieved to hear that! I have done so well thus far and I really do not want to be sick at all. I am even missing our annual chili cook-off at work tomorrow night (which I might add, I won last year-lol) out of fear of all the germs that will be floating throughout the building.
I would just like to take a moment and thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and hugs. It really means a lot to know that you are all pulling for me to get through this quickly and easily. I am doing my best to do so. Well, I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and hope that we can go through it without any more of that dreaded white stuff-btw- we got about 5 more inches last night! ugh! very pretty but so tired of it.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
She's such a SWEET 16 year old...
I can't believe it- My Allison is 16 now. She had a dance party last night and some of her favorite friends were there to help make the night she will always remember! There was plenty of food, music, singing & HELP (thank you VERY much), and laughter! She received some fabulous gifts from her fabulous friends and I do believe that everyone there really had fun. I will have to post pictures tomorrow because I haven't uncovered my camera as of yet- it's here, I just haven't put my hands on it yet. knowing Allison, she probably grabbed it and has it in her room reviewing the whole night! I had to laugh tho', when I said goodnight, she sat on her bed and signed "birthday finished",I chuckled and said "yes, it is done now". She climbed into bed, pulled the covers up and fell into a fast sleep, probably dreaming of the night she will always remember...thank you friends
Friday, January 14, 2011
I think I can, I think I can...
Well, I made it through the week only to find that my white cell count is low again, at least I am not on house arrest this time! I don't think I would follow the rules with Allison's sweet 16 party tomorrow night- Looking forward to a fun night with good friends and family. Then I can rest Sun & Mon before heading back to school on Tuesday- just glad it is a long weekend! Enjoy it my friends, whereever you are.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Today is a new day!
Yesterday I was rather tired, and seemed to fade as the day went on... literally, I did nothing but change into my warm p.j.s when I got home from work -at 3:30, I might add. Then at 4:30 I managed to put some frozen pot pies in the oven for dinner. WOW, what a great dinner- actually, it wasn't bad- ;-). Then a little after 7 me husband suggeted that I just go to bed since I was asleep in my chair, so I did! When I got up this morning, I felt so rested and had slept well. Yes, today was a new day, & I still feel good (even tho' I did have a brief nap in my chair this evening).
Sunday, January 9, 2011
#3 behind me...
Well, I had chemo on Friday and am feeling pretty good still. Lets hope things stay this way- I feel worse from my surgery on Thursday than anything else. I tired of being sore, and having to be careful about how I move my arm. I know, complain, complain-lol. ay, that's all then. The news of the day is that my nephew married Maggie today and I know they must be living it up right now! Well, actually eating dinner then they will be living it up! Have fun everyone, love you-
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
just another day in my life
WEll, after I had my port study done last week (because of the pain that shot through me when the nurse tried to access it for my chemo) and found out that I have a leaky port, I couldn't get anything done about it umti the doc received the report- which he finally did today!. Sooo, I have another surgery scheduled for Thursday to replace/repair the leaky port. Then on Friday I will have chemo #3. I can only hope & pray that I have the same reaction to this one that I did for #2, which was no reaction at all!!! It flet good to feel like the same ol' me again! :-)
until next time, hugs, and enjoy your days, family & friends
until next time, hugs, and enjoy your days, family & friends
Monday, January 3, 2011
Well, I went to te dr today, and the nes is good! My white bloodcell count is great!So unlike the last time when it plumetted and I was basically put on house arrest! Nowsmiling I still get to go to school tomorrow and see all those wonderful faces :-) Nxt chemo is Friday, so let's just hope & pray that I have the same result after this next chemo that I am experiencing now- Have a great week everyone!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
i'm done...
With my break that is- I hav rested and enjoyed the time off but am ready to get back at it and see my kiddos again, not to mention the great friends at work as well. Today was a nice finish, I got most of the Christmas stuff put away then went to see Narnia with my sweet daughter. Loved it! Then cam home for steaks on the bar-b and baked potatoes, yum! Tomorrow my children will see me with a wig, definitely a change-and so the ride begins a new leg-
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